Sunday night. Another weekend pissed away, trying to get my laptops to sync files that until recently, they did quite reliably and with no tinkering on my part. Whoever came up with the conceit of “set-it-and-forget-it” should be dragged out into the streets and bludgeoned with an Agile project management manual.
I want to know the reasoning behind software developers’ incessant thirst for novelty, constantly breaking things that work just fine in order to force updates on us that don’t. That ought to be rule #1 in any software company: unless we’re absolutely sunsetting a feature, your updates will respect and retain the full functionality of anything already published and in use; if you violate this rule, you will be terminated without severance immediately.
I wasted all of last weekend trying to get this WordPress installation to answer at, and not, all because the meddling FUCKTARDS at Synology decided that now (after everyone has already deployed personal websites using their NAS hardware and package services) would be a perfect time to change the way package services are aliased. Yeah, not really a big deal –it just completely ratfucks the entire point of registering a domain name. The solution, it turns out, is to completely eschew Synology’s “convenient” package management architecture and install WordPress completely manually. Of course, that also means forever updating it manually, or until such time as Synology disables the option to install anything they don’t push from their own catalog.
In the course of trying to force my computers to do what they were doing without complaint two weeks ago, my MacBook Pro decided to arbitrarily forget how to mount an external SSD. That of course meant putting the entire troubleshooting effort on hold while I un-fucked that new development. So here I am, 8:00 on Sunday night, effectively three hours of free time left to myself, and I have accomplished absolutely NONE of what I set out to do when I left the office two nights ago.
By the way, two months without turning on your FDM 3D printer is exactly the amount of time required to completely forget how to use it, and long enough to require a total firmware overhaul before you can try to learn it again.
Labor-saving, schmabor-flabing.